Have a Question for Vincenzo?
Check out Vincenzo's own column, and ask a question yourself! If we post your question, we'll send you a $50 Vincenzo's Newhall Gift Card!
Dear Vincenzo,
What made you decide to also cater to people who are not meat eaters?
Thanks, Allison F.
Hi Allison!
I actually decided quite a few years ago to offer plant-based toppings and cheese on our pizzas, but unfortunately we couldn't find anything that met our standards (i.e. toppings that actually tasted good!). Last year I travelled to the Pizza Trade Show in Las Vegas (it's a real thing, also it's not hard to talk me into going to Vegas...), and there were numerous booths pitching plant-based foods. I must have eaten a pound of vegan pepperoni, and honestly, most were nothing like eating real pepperoni. And the plant-based cheeses were worse. Then, after years of searching, I finally came across some toppings and pizza that weren't just good, they are amazing! Most people who have tried our vegan pizzas were surprised to find out they contained no meat or dairy of any kind!
Dear Vincenzo,
Have you ever thought about offering other styles of pizza? I know it's a hotly debated topic which is best, but there are deep-dish lovers out there that would LOVE to taste a Vincenzo's deep-dish pizza!
Thanks, Jacob N.
Hi Jacob,
This is an interesting question. We've tried other pizza styles in the past 43 years, but we never created a huge demand for those styles of pizza. That being said, I never say never ;)
There a lot of great types of pizzas out there, but our motto is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". We're pretty good at what we do, and we'll keep on trying new items and ways to make our existing menu and customer service even better!
Thanks, Vincenzo
Dear Vincenzo,
How much cheese do you go through in one year to make pizzas?
Anything else to add?: I’m from the dairy state (where the cow’s are less happy) of WI and I migrated to Cali 14 years ago and haven’t looked back.
Thanks, Danae B.
Hi Danae,
We go through a ton of cheese here at Vincenzo's, and mean that literally. We
we grate more than 13 tons of mozzarella cheese each year, about 500lbs a week!
You've probably noticed that our pizzas are heavy - a large with a few toppings can weigh up to 10lbs! We add more than a pound of cheese to our large pizzas; we really like cheese and I think our customers do to!
Thanks, Vincenzo
Dear Vincenzo,
I just read that you've been at the same location in Newhall since 1979! How many pizzas have you made since then?
Thanks, Michael O.
Hi Michael!
Since 1979 I've made more than 1,800,000 pizzas! If you laid them end-to-end, you would have enough pizzas to walk all the way to Flagstaff, Arizona without touching the ground! Or, if walking 482 miles on top of pizza isn't your thing, you could cover the entire floor of's Arena in Los Angeles with Vincenzo's pizzas (950,000 square feet)!
Thanks, Vincenzo
Dear Vincenzo,
I've been eating your pizzas for more than 20 years; how can you consistently make the best pizza I've ever tasted???
Thanks, Cindy R.
Hi Cindy,
It's all about the skill of our amazing cooks, and that we've never changed the recipe for our handmade dough or our handmade pizza sauce. One of our cooks has been hand-throwing pizzas for us for more than 30 years!
Thanks, Vincenzo
24504 1/2 Lyons Ave
Newhall, CA, 91321
(661) 259-6733
Sunday – Thursday 11:00AM – 9:00PM
Friday & Saturday 11:00AM – 11:00PM